Jill Wain

Roseville, CA Leader at Ellementa, Inc.

Jill Wain is a Fundraising Specialist, a Mom, and a life-long cannabis advocate. She is now…..an “out of the cannabis closet” educator and consultant who began her career in the cannabis space with Octavia Wellness a few years ago. She is extremely passionate and open about sharing the medicinal benefits of cannabis to help others, and to personally manage her own chronic pain and depression by microdosing. Jill also treats her teenage son with cannabis and has seen the incredible healing powers of this plant bring her son “all the way back around” after his dream of playing college football came to a screeching hault when he was diagnosed with PCS – (Post Concussive Syndrome). His insomnia, migraines and depression – all symptoms of PCS, are being managed with cannabis. Jill continues to educate herself and is currently enrolled in Dr. Sulak’s Healer.com “Medical Cannabis Training and Certification Program”. She is compelled to share the incredible healing benefits of the cannabis plant and looks forward to hosting gatherings in the Roseville (Placer County) area.