Jane Hawley

VP, Business Development at Elumines

Prior to joining ēluminəs, Jane held management positions at technical service companies My Eye Media, Technicolor Creative Services and Vidfilm International Digital where she was in charge of high-profile studio accounts such as Disney, Sony, Fox, Universal, DreamWorks and Miramax.

Jane is a graduate of Santa Clara University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication. She enjoys her time as an avid tennis player and also as a volunteer for her three teenagers’ schools and several local charities.

Jane’s iPod Playlist: is usually managed by her 15-year-old daughter, but her personal favorites include anything Ennio Moriccone, U2, Van Morrison and Frank Sinatra. Jane is currently working her way through an Adele obsession and was blown away by the amazing presence of 72-year-old Diana Ross at her July 2016 Hollywood Bowl concert.


  • VP, Business Development

    Current role