Emergent Holdings


Emergent Holdings’ elite team makes lives, companies and communities better! Emergent Holdings is driven by a singular goal — improving the health and safety of our customers and our communities. How do we do that? We create innovative insurance products, technology solutions and services to suppor... Read more





Org chart

Jacob Bartlett

Krischa Winright
President, Medicare Advantage
Alicia Graham
Vice President, Medicare Business Performance And Chief Of Staff, Medicare Advantage
Amy Miller
Director, Communications Strategy
Don Shell
Director, Corporate Communications
Lynette Long
Managing Director, Talent Management
Rich Gumpert
Vice President Of Sales
David Dehommel
Managing Director, Risk Adjustment
John S. Roberts
Interim President
Manadra Rainey
Director, Inclusion And Diversity (af Group, Emergient, And Senior Health Services)
Firoz Ghandhi
Manager II - Data Management And Reporting - Senior Health Services
Mhsa Peter Geppert
Strategy Manager
John Chambers
Facility Guru/lead
David Laity
Solutions Architect