The Assessment and Recruitment Team at EXPERD Consultant specializes in identifying and attracting top talent for clients, conducting thorough competency assessments, and managing recruitment processes. This team employs industry-leading methodologies to evaluate candidate suitability and provides tailored solutions to meet the unique human resource needs of over 150 national and multinational companies. Through a collaborative and innovative approach, they ensure effective matching of candidates to roles, thereby enhancing organizational performance.
Alfani Alithea Sweet...
Associate Assessor
Anita Kusuma Dewi
Assessment Officer
Anun Nurfuddoh
Associate Assessor
Armenia Widiastuti
Associate Recruiter
Elmy Bonafita
Associate Assessor
Ines Pramita
Assessment Officer
Juni Ramadhona Winnu...
Associate Assessor
Lisda Murfanya
Associate Recruitment And Asse...
Maya Mentari
IAS Staff - Recruitment And As...
Psi Karoline A. Sina...
Associate Assessor
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