Carol Galante

Impact Advisor at Factory_OS

Carol Galante has spent her life working to support and build housing for Americans from all walks of life. For five years she served in a series of top housing positions for President Barack Obama, including a period as Federal Housing Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). She oversaw the country’s trillion-dollar insurance portfolio for single-family and multifamily housing, and oversaw a recovery from one of the greatest housing collapses in history. Her responsibilities also included oversight of the Office of Manufactured Housing.

Before joining the federal government, Galante spent more than a decade as president and chief executive of BRIDGE Housing Corporation, the largest non-profit developer of affordable, mixed-income and mixed-use developments in California. After her time in Washington, she took a position as the I. Donald Terner Distinguished Professor in Affordable Housing and Urban Policy at UC Berkeley. At the university she created the Terner Center for Housing Innovation, and she presently serves as Founder and Advisor.

Galante leads the impact and innovation work at Factory OS with a focus on strategies to support housing affordability, environmental sustainability, and workforce development.


  • Impact Advisor

    Current role