Otto Chabikuli

Regional Director, East & Southern Africa Regional Office at FHI 360

Otto Nzapfurundi Chabikuli is a family physician and health systems and policy analyst with experience in clinical work, teaching, research and management in the public, private and nongovernmental health sectors. As Regional Director of FHI 360’s East and Southern Africa Regional Office, he oversees work focused on health (including HIV and AIDS; tuberculosis; family planning; nutrition; and water, sanitation and hygiene), civil society strengthening, livelihoods and economic strengthening, education, environment, research and youth development.

In his previous role as Director of FHI 360’s Global Health, Population and Nutrition practice, Chabikuli oversaw global research and technical work in the areas of health, population and nutrition. Activities under his direction included global health research, global health programs, program sciences and technical support, nutrition and food security, contraceptive technology innovation and science facilitation.

He has previously directed FHI 360’s work in the East and Southern Africa region and has also served as FHI 360’s Country Director in Nigeria, Africa Regional Technical Director, and Director of the Southern Africa Regional Office.

Prior to joining FHI 360, Chabikuli was Associate Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Pretoria, Director of the Centre for Health Policy at Wits University’s School of Public Health, and District Health Systems Development Facilitator with the Health Systems Trust in South Africa.

Born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chabikuli obtained his medical degree and a master’s degree in family medicine from the Medical University of Southern Africa and a Master of Sciences in Health Systems Management from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He is a member of several professional associations and has an appointment as an Adjunct Associate Professor at Howard University in Washington, DC.
