Firebrick Consulting


Firebrick Consulting is a consulting firm that helps technology companies build revenue growth.

Org chart

Robert M. Wright

Katey Mokelke's profile picture
Katey Mokelke
Operations Director & Positioning Consultant
Melinda Wilken's profile picture
Melinda Wilken
Positioning Strategist & Consultant
Susan George's profile picture
Susan George
Positioning Consultant
Erin O'Keeffe's profile picture
Erin O'Keeffe
Positioning Consultant
Laura Torres' profile picture
Laura Torres
Positioning Consultant
Michelle Cox's profile picture
Michelle Cox
Positioning Consultant
Bob MacDonald
Positioning Strategist
Briana Schweizer
Creative Director
Karen Enriquez
Executive Assistant
Van Diamandakis
CEO Advisor And Positioning Consultant
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