Michael J. Woods

Michael Woods serves as Chief Executive Officer for Firma Clinical, applying his nearly 35 years of experience in supporting the developmental needs of pharmaceutical, biotech, and device companies. Prior to joining Firma, Mr. Woods served as Chief Executive Officer for Schulman IRB. During this time Mr. Woods led a period of unprecedented growth and success at Schulman, during which Schulman expanded service offerings, customer base and geographic scope to become a global provider of research compliance services. Throughout this expansion, Schulman maintained a pristine regulatory track record and an outstanding reputation for the quality of their services.

Throughout his career in the drug and medical device industries, Mr. Woods has had the opportunity to play a key role in the development of dozens of innovative products and services for a variety of organizations. He is in demand as a member of various commercial and non-profit Boards, industry collaboration efforts, and as a sought-after speaker at numerous conferences, all of which is a testament to his broad understanding of how to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of development collaborations.

Mr. Woods has a MS with Honors in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale University, and a BS, cum laude, in Biology and Chemistry from Walla Walla University.
