First Chicago Insurance Company

1 follower

The company was founded on December 14, 1920 as the Chicago Ice Producers Mutual Liability Company. Originally organized as a mutual insurance company, its initial purpose was to insure the members of the Chicago District Ice Association for general liability, Workers Compensation, public liability... Read more



Bedford Park, US




Org chart

Michael Rosenstein

Bob Gonzales
Marketing Manager
Janet Mueller
Marketing Training & Adminstration Manager
Lindsey Gohn
Vice President Of Product & Actuarial
Melodie Webb
Forms & Compliance Manager
Todd Kelly
Chief Accounting Officer (cao)
Mark C. Bissonette
Vice President, Commercial Lines Underwriting
Stacey Steffens
Field Operations Director
Steve Eck
Vice President Claims
Barbara Krzeczkowski
Executive Administrative Assistant
Colleen Peslak
Vice President, Claims