First Independent Bank


First Independent Bank provides personal care for each customer while having the expertise and resources of a large bank. With broad experience and the ability to work with more types of financing solutions than many competitors, First Independent Bank is a collaborative group of advocates for busin... Read more


Russell, US




Org chart

Thomas Koerber

Amberlee Thooft
Chief Operating Officer / Cashier
Audie Sanderson
Senior Vice President / Chief Compliance Officer
Bradley Salfer
Senior Vice President / Business Banker / Market Manager
Gary Kellen
Senior Vice President
Justin Stuefen
Senior Vice President / Business Banker
Kyle Homan
Senior Vice President / Business Banker / Market Manager
Matt Ust
Senior Vice President/business Banker
Paul Enderson
Senior Vice President / Business Banker
Stanley Holmberg
Senior Vice President / Chief Credit Officer
Tanner Hansen
Senior Vice President / Business Banker
Trent Hess
Senior Vice President / Business Banker / Market Manager
Mary Petersen
Vice President / Human Resources