Dimas Muhamad Prabowo Damayanto

Operations Team at Flip

Dimas Muhamad Prabowo Damayanto has held various positions in the finance and banking industries since 2020. In 2020, they were a Back Office Employee at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri and an Economics Division at Yayasan Baitulmaal BRI. In 2021, they joined Flip as an Operations Team and Yayasan Baitul Maal BRI as a Finance Division and Social Division. In their role as Finance Division, they were responsible for compiling and sorting finance documents for data entry and checking and completing documents that contain errors. In their role as Social Division, they managed and supported administrative processes and coordinated with all BRI office divisions to collect data on social program participants.

Dimas Muhamad Prabowo Damayanto obtained a Bachelor's degree in Islamic Banking and Finance from Politeknik Negeri Jakarta between 2016 and 2020.


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