Jamie Schwartzman

Chief Creative Strategist at Flux Branding

Jamie likes making things. Example: he loves making dinner. He’s the kind of guy who’ll whip up something great with whatever’s around. This isn’t about following a cookbook – it’s about following instinct. He understands how to please the palate while engaging the senses of even the most detached diner.

Jamie’s approach to branding, marketing and advertising is similar, leveraging every ingredient from a company’s pantry to create new opportunities and achieve business objectives. It’s a bigger approach that forces those around him to expand their thinking, while positioning clients to be far more proactive than reactive in the marketplace.

Having cut his teeth in a number of successful (and a few failed) ventures, Jamie brings a sense of realism to the table with a gift for helping businesses accommodate growth and understand growing pains. More than just problem solving, his consultative style reflects his prowess in the studio, the boardroom, and on the pitcher’s mound guiding several nationally-based companies to triple digit growth and softball league dominance.



  • Chief Creative Strategist

    Current role