Freixenet Gratien - Groupe Henkell Freixenet


Freixenet Gratien is the French subsidiary of the international group Henkell Freixenet, the world's leading producer of sparkling wines. With more than 30 million bottles sold per year, through a product portfolio made up of exclusive châteaux, Grands Crus, Bordeaux wine brands (Yvecourt, Premius,... Read more




Org chart

Dr. Andreas Brokemper
Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Andreas Brokemper

Olivia Dupont
Strategic Partnerships Director
Marie-Sophie le Gars
Chief Financial Officer/senior Management (daf Rattachée À La Direction Générale)
Hélène Bocquet
CHEF DE Groupe Vins Effervescents
Lauriane Junger
Assistant Administration Des Ventes
Rémy Bellemer
Export Area Manager
Félix Lamirand
Export Area Manager
Bérengère Robinard
Category Manager
Pauline Bernicot
Responsable RH
Frédérique Lenoir
Directrice Marketing & Communication