G-Source Technologies


G-Source Technologies is a drafting company that offers end-to-end customized engineering, design, GIS and technology solutions.

Org chart

Sandeep Mahadik's profile picture
Sandeep Mahadik
Founder & Managing Director
Profile photo

Sandeep Mahadik

Pavan Mulik's profile picture
Pavan Mulik
Chief of Engineering
Jayesh Dave's profile picture
Jayesh Dave
VP, Business Transformation
Rahul Mahadik's profile picture
Rahul Mahadik
Head of Inside Sales
Sandeep Dhage's profile picture
Sandeep Dhage
Senior Manager - Operations
Amit Parmar's profile picture
Amit Parmar
Operations Manager
Biney Bhat's profile picture
Biney Bhat
Senior Sales Manager
Renato Fernandez
VP - Sales & Marketing
Mandanna Cariappa
GM - HR Operations