Teo Eng Siong

Non-Independent Non-Executive Director at Genting Group

Mr Teo Eng Siong (Malaysian, aged 73, male), appointed on 25 February 2010, is an Independent Non-Executive Director. He began his career with Ernst & Young, Melbourne, Australia, in November 1969.

He had worked in Singapore and Malaysia; and had held several positions in various companies. Prior to his retirement on 31 March 2009, he was the General Manager and Company Secretary of Kien Huat Realty Sdn Bhd as well as the Company Secretary of Yayasan Lim Goh Tong, a charitable organisation.

He holds a Bachelor of Economics from Monash University, Melbourne and is an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, a Fellow of CPA Australia, a member of the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants and an Associate of The Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.