Thanyathip Somboon

Recruitment Consultant at GetLinks

Thanyathip Somboon has been working in the recruitment and marketing industries since 2019. Thanyathip began their career as a Marketing role at Riverpark Consultant Company Limited, and is currently working as a Recruitment Consultant at GetLinks since 2022.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <ctype.h>

#include "util.h"

#include "symbol.h"

#include "temp.h"

#include "tree.h"

#include "absyn.h"

#include "assem.h"

#include "frame.h"

#include "graph.h"

#include "liveness.h"

#include "color.h"

#include "regalloc.h"

#include "table.h"

static void enterLiveMap(G_node flowNode, G_table t, Temp_tempList temps) {

G_enter(t, flowNode, temps);


static Temp_tempList lookupLiveMap(G_table t, G_node flowNode) {

return (Temp_tempList)G_look(t, flowNode);


static void showLiveMap(FILE *out, G_table t) {

G_show(out, t, (void(*)(FILE *, void *))Temp_printList);


static void build(G_graph flow, G_table t) {

G_nodeList nodes = G_nodes(flow);

G_nodeList worklist = nodes;

while(worklist) {

G_node n = worklist->head;

Temp_tempList in = lookupLiveMap(t, n);

Temp_tempList out = in;

G_nodeList succ = G_succ(n);

for(; succ; succ = succ->tail) {

Temp_tempList tl = lookupLiveMap(t, succ->head);

out = Temp_union(out, tl);


if(!Temp_equal(in, out)) {

enterLiveMap(n, t, out);

worklist = G_union(G_succ(n), worklist);


worklist = worklist->tail;




Bangkok, Thailand


Org chart
