John Metzler

Chief Systems Architect at GhangorCloud

John is a 30+ years veteran of Silicon Valley high-tech industry. He started his career in key technical positions with the pioneers of the high-tech industry such as 3-Com and Juniper where he developed the core foundational components of high performance Router Kernel and OS. More recently John has been in lead technical roles in multiple security companies including ArcSight-HP, PGP-Symantec, LogLogic, Netscreen-Juniper, Nevis Networks, nexTier Networks and Accellion.

Mixing abstract and production points of view, he has been involved in Data security, Data Communications, Custom Databases, Embedded Systems, Web Services, Platform Engineering, OS Internals and File Systems, Cryptography and Complex Event Processing. John has been a contributor to the software industry’s Open Source initiatives where he has made substantial contributions to the widely recognized Gnu-based software development and debugging platforms. John was a key member of the main GDB team at Cygnus. John holds a Bachellor’s Degree in Computer Science from University of California Irvine.


  • Chief Systems Architect

    Current role