The Policy and Strategic Development team at Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia focuses on shaping and implementing strategic initiatives that enhance the social, economic, and technological landscape of Gipuzkoa. This team collaborates across various departments to formulate policies, manage strategic studies, and provide legal and regulatory guidance, ensuring alignment with the regional government's goals and enhancing overall governance.
Iker Goiria
Asesor Gabinete Diputada Gener...
Imanol Lasa Zeberio
Responsable De Estrategia Y Es...
Julen Otermin
Departamento De Hacienda Y Fin...
Maitane Echeverría U...
Asesoramiento Jurídico Y Desar...
Oianko Choperena Gur...
Asesor Del Teniente De Diputad...
Xanti Moriones Garci...
Jefe De Sección De Planificaci...
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