Gonzaga Preparatory School

1 follower

Gonzaga Preparatory School in Spokane, Washington, is a private, Catholic high school in the Inland Northwest.




Org chart

Profile photo

Michael Dougherty

Derek Duchesne's profile picture
Corrina Kelsey's profile picture
Corrina Kelsey
VP of Advancement
Rose Wysocki's profile picture
Rose Wysocki
VP of Finance
Pat Segadelli's profile picture
Pat Segadelli
Vice Principal of Academics, Social Studies instructor
Paul Manfred's profile picture
Paul Manfred
Vice Principal of Athletics & Facilities
Alix Lee's profile picture
Alix Lee
Admissions Director
Angie Feryn
School Office Manager, Principal's Assistant
Betsy Frazier
President's Assistant
Corrina O'Brien Kelsey
Vice President For Advancement
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