Andrew Freeman

Executive Director, Hume Health Service Partnership at Goulburn Valley Health

Andrew Freeman commenced as the Executive Director of the Hume Health Service Partnership in October 2021. The Hume Health Service Partnership was established on the 1 July 2021 with the aim of the Public Health Services across the Region working in collaboration on a number of strategic system priorities determined by the Victorian Government and local priorities agreed by the Health Service Partnership members.

Mr Freeman has worked in the Victorian Public Health system for nearly 30 years and is a strong advocate for Rural and Regional Health. He has held a number of executive roles over the last seventeen years and prior to commencing at Goulburn Valley Health was the Chief Executive of East Grampians Health Service.

He has a Bachelor of Business and a Master of Business Administration. He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a member of both the Australian Society Certified Practising Accountants and Australian College of Health Service Management.
