Kateřina Blehová

Office Manager & HR Assistant at Grayling

Kateřina Blehová has held multiple roles throughout their work experience. Kateřina started their career in 2011 as a Teacher of Japanese at ML jazykovka and První soukromé jazykové gymnázium Hradec Králové. Kateřina then joined Grayling in 2015 as an Office Manager & HR Assistant. Kateřina'smost recent role and end date are not specified.

Kateřina Blehová has a Magister (Mgr.) degree in English Philology and Japanese Philology from Palacký University in Olomouc. Additionally, they attended a program in Japanese language and culture at a university called 学習院女子大学 from 2010 to 2011.


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