Slawomir Szulecki

European Coordinator at Green Gold Farms

Slawomir Szulecki is a seasoned business-man and a serial entrepreneur. An engineer by profession, Slawomir studied civil engineering at Technical University in Warsaw (Poland) and in Hannover (Germany). In 1993 Slawomir moved into the fashion world distributing premium brands as JOOP! and Rene Lezard in Eastern Europe. His retailers were based in Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Baltic Countries, Czech Republic, Slovakia and in many other countries. Currently he is distributing famous luxury brand Karl Lagerfeld.

In 2011, Slawomir moved to Ghana to start his investment projects. He collected almost four years of experience there and is well connected to the country leaders. He has other companies dealing with agribusiness and does undertake trade facilitation between European companies and African companies. His partners in Europe are Big Dutchman (world leader in poultry and piggery equipment), MTZ Belarus tractors, Gomselmash (harvesters, Belarus), MAZ trucks, Amkador (cleaning systems for grains and grain storage, Belarus), Akpil (implements, Poland), Frontier Connect (modern weather station and soil quality data collection, Luxembourg), Grupo Chamartin (leader in irrigation systems, Spain), Spomax S.A. (leader in production of mils for flour, starch, Poland) etc.

He is actively supporting his local partners in Africa in participation in tenders, e.g. in Liberia, Ghana and Namibia.

Having extensively travelled the continent and investing in businesses, he has come to appreciate the level of poverty and the food insecurity that plagues the African continent. He also understands the challenges in putting together the necessary logistics to harness the much-touted Africa’s agricultural potential. It is for this reason he’s come on board Green Gold Farms team as European Coordinator to help create partnerships between Green Gold Farms and European companies looking to set up and partner African companies for growth.

He’s has organised several trade missions for the companies above across Europe in 2019 and in 2020, which is already yielding results. Slawomir connected Green Gold Farms to GIZ and other European organisations and authorities. He’s also an expert in financial engineering introducing financial support to best conditions of Polish and Belarusian Exim Bank for African partners.