Groupe BMR

1 follower

Founded in 1967, Groupe BMR inc. is a subsidiary of La Coop fédérée, which regroups 325 home renovation centers and hardware stores in Quebec, Ontario, the Maritime Provinces and the Saint Pierre and Miquelon islands. Groupe BMR inc. and its members make an estimated $1.7 billion in retail annually... Read more

Org chart

Alexandre Lefebvre
Chief Executive Officer

Alexandre Lefebvre

Vincent Chicoine
VP Ventes Pro - VP Pro Sales
Marek Jankowski
Vice President Information Technology
Kaven Delarosbil
Director, Communications And Events
Anass Majdi
Directeur Principal, Stratégie Bureau De Transformation
Alain Laniel
Senior Director, E-commerce And Omnichannel
Dave Rutter
Company Owner
Alexia Berthiaume
Cheffe D'équipe, Acquisition De Talents
François Grenier
Vice-président Ressources Humaines & Responsabilité D’entreprise