Heather Hackbarth

Engagement Manager at H2A Partners

Heather is an engagement manager at H2A with a decade of professional experience in marketing, corporate and large-scale events and project management. Heather has vast experience with corporate events having convened c-suite executives for some of the world’s leading organizations during her career. Prior to joining the team at H2A she was the CMO for a $1 billion financial services wholesaler. Having joined H2A at its inception, she has held a variety of leadership roles and now leads the events practice overseeing the execution of corporate events around the globe.


Org chart

Work style

How I prefer to work

Remote & Office


Mostly in a team

Qualities I value in my colleagues

  • Ownership
  • reliability
  • sense of humor
  • work ethic
  • self-motivation

My communication style

  • Direct
  • transparent
  • clear
  • casual
  • assertive

My pet peeves

  • Unreliability
  • gossip
  • micromanagement
  • dishonesty
  • wastefulness


  • H

    Engagement Manager

    Current role