Martin Prinsloo

Director at Harmony Gold Mining Company Ltd

Martin was appointed to the board on 18 May 2022. He has 28 years of corporate, project and structured finance experience, including eight years as financial director (CFO) of a JSE-listed company. Martin’s early career progressed from KPMG through the Industrial Development Corporation after which he joined BoE Merchant Bank as director of Specialised Finance where he implemented several listing and funding transactions predominantly in the resources industry.

In 2003, he was appointed to Anglo Platinum as head of Corporate Finance and Business Development and acted in the capacity of executive head finance (CFO) for just over a year before joining Royal Bafokeng Platinum as CFO in 2009. Martin invested into a private equity business, Fledge Capital in March 2019 and is also a non-executive director of Genric Insurance Limited and Oasis Water Holdings Proprietary Limited.


  • Director

    Current role