Hauptman Ham, LLP


Hauptman Ham, LLP with offices adjacent to the Alexandria, Virginia location of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, is a 20+ attorney/agent/technical consultant firm specializing in intellectual property law. The legacy of the Firm goes back 60 years and is made up of highly experienced... Read more

Org chart

Benjamin J. Hauptman
Senior Managing and Founding Partner

Benjamin J. Hauptman

Adam Langley's profile picture
Adam Langley
Resident Attorney
Danny Auer
Firm Administrator - Intellectual Property & Trademark Law Firm
David Cain's profile picture
David Cain
Patent Attorney
Gregory Adgers' profile picture
Gregory Adgers
Accountant Specialist
Ron Embry
Yoon Ham
Managing Partner
Amy Kendall
Patent Paralegal
Hiroki Kawasaki
Tokyo Office Manager And Legal Assistant