Ole Bolm has been working in the transport and forwarding industry for over 40 years. Ole started their career as a spedition elev at TTI Spedition in 1978. In 1982, they moved to Hammerbro Transport where they worked their way up to afdelingschef. In 1990, they joined HCS A/S Transport & Spedition, where they have been Director of Transport & Forwarding for the past 30 years.
They work with Henrik Nielsen - Director, Environment Construction & Soil Remediation, Claus Gotfredsen - Director, Municipal & Industrial Waste, Sewage & Industrial Service, and Thomas Gehrmann - Director, Construction Applications & Gravel Materials. Their manager is Mads Frederiksen, CEO.
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Selskabets formål er at drive speditions- og vognmandsforretning, at udføre entreprenørkørsel, at udføre affaldshåndtering af enhver art, at udføre miljøentrepriser af enhver art, at eje landbrugsejendomme og at drive landbrug, samt at drive handel.