Erickmhar Valdez

Clinic Director, Student Adviser &Exam Coach Coordinator at Healing Hands School

Born in San Francisco and currently residing in Escondido, California, Erick Valdez is a valued Staff member at Healing Hands School of Holistic Health (HHS). A dedicated employee who wears multiple hats, Erick serves as a Student Adviser, Clinic Director, Admissions, Exam Coach Coordinator, & Student I.D Architect.

Erick received his certificate as a Holistic Health Practitioner from Healing Hands School of Holistic Health in Escondido, CA in April, 2015. Erick’s familiarity with the school’s Curriculum, Instructors and Program requirements make him an effective adviser for HH students. Just as importantly, Erick exemplifies HH’s values of Empathy, Respect, Excellence, and a ‘Heart-centered Approach’ to education in the Holistic Healing Arts. A self-proclaimed Philosopher and Seeker of Wisdom and Knowledge, Erick says he sought employment at HH because he “Loved the Community and the Energy” and wanted to learn all he could about Holistic Health. Possessing a great passion for the Holistic Healing Arts, he says the most rewarding part of his job is meeting prospective students and introducing them to what he considers to be an empowering and important career.