Health Innovation Network


The Health Innovation Network is the collective voice of 15 local health innovation networks, which spread healthcare innovations at pace to support patients and generate economic growth. We work with healthcare organisations and businesses to support the spread of all types of innovation within the... Read more

Org chart

Rishi Das - Gupta
Chief Executive, Health Innovation Network (south London)

Rishi Das - Gupta

Ben Bridgewater
Chief Executive, Health Innovation Manchester
Nicola Bent
Chief Executive (acting), Health Innovation Wessex
Tim Jones
Chief Officer, Health Innovation West Midlands
Axel Heitmueller
Managing Director, Imperial College Health Partners
Nicole Mcglennon
Managing Director, Health Innovation East Midlands
Anna King
Commercial Director, Health Innovation Network (south London)
Cheryl Crocker
Health Innovation Network Patient Safety Director
James Rose
Commercial Director, Health Innovation Oxford & Thames Valley
Judith Stewart
Interim Commercial Director Designate, Health Innovation South West
Hatim Abdulhussein
Chief Officer