Linn Gros

Seniorrådgiver at HELSE NORD RHF

Linn Gros is a Seniorrådgiver at Helse Nord RHF with a background in research and education. Prior to this, Gros worked as a Rådgiver at Direktoratet for Arbeidstilsynet and as a Høgskolelærer at Universitetet i Nordland. Gros holds a Cand. polit. degree in sociology from UiT- The Arctic University of Norway and a Cand. Mag. in Arbeidslivs- og organisasjonspsykologi from the University of Bergen.



  • Seniorrådgiver

    January, 2015 - present

  • Prosjektleder Strategisk Kompetanseplan/rådgiver Forskning Og Utdanning

    January, 2013

  • Rådgiver

    August, 2007