Hewlett Volkswagen


Hewlett Volkswagen provides new and pre-owned Volkswagen sales, services, body parts, accessories, and customer support.

Org chart

John Chauvin's profile picture
John Chauvin
General Manager
Profile photo

John Chauvin

Tom Fornshell's profile picture
Tom Fornshell
Service & Parts Manager
Samantha Gomez's profile picture
Samantha Gomez
Service Drive Manager
Paul Berube's profile picture
Paul Berube
New Sales Manager
Santos Chapa's profile picture
Santos Chapa
Finance Manager
Day Avery's profile picture
Day Avery
Finance Manager
Kenneth Alumbaugh
Finance Manager
Adrian Lopez
Sales And Leasing
Alex Lester
Sales And Leasing
Caleb Gutierrez
Sales And Leasing
Mike Torres
Sales And Leasing