Mike Wolfsohn

Founder & Chief Creative Officer at High Wide & Handsome

Upon grad­u­at­ing from Ward Melville High School on the north shore of Long Island, Mike was recruited to play bas­ket­ball at Gene­seo State Col­lege near Rochester, New York. After one sea­son of junior var­sity action, the Gene­seo coach­ing staff decided Mike was “too slow and weak to com­pete on the col­le­giate level.” Yet Mike was deter­mined to expe­ri­ence the life of a col­lege ath­lete. So he did what all great col­lege ath­letes do: he majored in com­mu­ni­ca­tions. After grad­u­a­tion, Mike spent the sub­se­quent 18 years cre­at­ing award-winning cam­paigns for brands like Coca-Cola, Dupont, M&M/Mars, Sony VAIO and Jose Cuervo at agen­cies like Saatchi & Saatchi, Grey, D’Arcy and Ignited (where he served as EVP/Executive Cre­ative Direc­tor).

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