HMC Capital


HMC Capital is a global alternative investment firm with US$14 billion in assets under management and advisory from institutional and private investors. Founded in 2009, HMC Capital invests across multiple asset classes and geographies with a focus on Private Equity, Credit, Real Estate and Venture/... Read more






Org chart

Felipe Held
CEO and Co-Founder

Felipe Held

Ricardo Mogrovejo
CEO - Gerente General At HMC AGF
Adriana Rivero Cisneros
Head Of Marketing
Nicholas Franco
Partner, Head Of Venture & Growth
Antonio del Pozo
Portfolio Manager Real Assets Latam
Antonio del Pozo Borda
Portfolio Manager
Toshihisa Watabe
Country Head Mexico
Cfp® Vinicius Bueno Lima
Partner & Head Of Institutional Sales
Yoni Meyer
Head Of Alternative Investments
Felipe Gómez
Front Office Analyst
Ariel Alexis Fernandez Merino
Analista Senior Middle Office
Javiera Rojas Morales
Ingeniera De Procesos TI
Jeszabel Morales
Analista Contable Fondos De Inversión
Sandra Patricia Soto Espindola
Analista Contable Senior AGF