Michael Buonocore

Executive Director at Home Forward

Michael became Home Forward’s executive director in October 2014 after serving as deputy executive director, responsible for the property management, rent assistance, and real estate development departments. He began his Home Forward career in 2001 as a resident services manager, going on to direct policy and planning, where he was the principal architect of the agency's strategic directions and planning. He also designed Home Forward's innovative rent reform program.

His background includes leading operations, including community organizing, as associate director of Sisters Of The Road, a homeless services agency. Earlier, he was health services manager for the Clackamas County Children’s Commission and program supervisor for a residential care facility for developmentally disabled youth.

“It’s really hard to do this work knowing that there are so many more people who need our help than we have the resources to reach, especially against a backdrop of entrenched racism and systemic oppressions that keep people stuck in poverty. What fuels me is the passion and the commitment of the people who work at Home Forward. We’re under-funded, we make mistakes and struggle, but we’re in it, and we’re not going to stop until housing justice is achieved in our community and our country.”

To help Home Forward partner more deeply with others to address these challenges, Michael has a management team, with experience in a range of disciplines in the public, non-profit, and private arenas.


  • Executive Director

    Current role