Since moving to Vancouver in 2000, Rose has been delighted to cycle the ever-growing number of bike routes throughout the region and southwest BC. Riding a bike regularly for the past 25 years has kept her happier, healthier, wealthier and more connected in her local community.
At HUB Cycling, Rose oversees the Bike Education department including hundreds of bike courses in schools and the community, and the provincial Everyone Rides Grade 4-5.
Before joining HUB Cycling in 2019, Rose worked as a director, manager or instructor in various outdoor recreation and sustainability education organizations. She has also worked as a Director of Operations for a local paddling company, responsible for company operations, risk management, human resources and the paddling school. Rose has a degree in Urban Geography from UBC and is nationally certified to instruct various outdoor activities. She is grateful and excited to lead HUB’s bike education team into a future where cycling education is available to all.
Current role