


Hubraum connects tech entrepreneurs and startup companies with the network, capital and business opportunities of Deutsche Telekom. For this hub:raum offers investments and also runs programs in focus fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Smart Home, Internet of Things and Big Data. Since 2012 Hub... Read more


Berlin, Germany




Org chart

Jerzy Grzesiak's profile picture
Jerzy Grzesiak
Head of hubraum Krakow
Florian Steger's profile picture
Florian Steger
Investment Director
Constanze Kettlitz-Profe's profile picture
Constanze Kettlitz-Profe
Marketing And Communications Manager At Hubraum
Laurita Mora's profile picture
Laurita Mora
Marketing Communications Manager
Magdalena Franke's profile picture
Magdalena Franke
Marketing And Communication Manager
Katarzyna Wala's profile picture
Katarzyna Wala
Design Research Lead
Cezary Iwan
Investment Manager
Marcin Kordas
Solutions Architect
Jana Eisfeld
Berlin Campus Manager
Axel Menneking
Head of hubraum, Deutsche Telekom AG
Gabriela Brodzińska
Investment Analyst
Elena Bogdanova
Investment Fund Finance & Controlling Manager
Tamar Shlimak
Investment Manager & Principal
Roman Duzhyk
IoT Driver & Program Manager
Andreas Dönges
Key Relationship Manager
Wojciech Smoleń
Office & Community Manager
Tim Akgül
Program Manager
Bartosz Gajewski
Project Manager
Anna Piwowarczyk
Program Manager | 5g Apis Focus
Jakub Goliński
Project Manager
Bartosz Ziólkowski
Lead Creative Technologist
Barbara Łomnicka
User Researcher
Julia Malińska
Senior Specialist - User Researcher
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