IBEW Local 332


The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 332, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, is one of the largest IBEW Local Unions in Northern California, with over 2,700 members. The local is known for its dynamic membership & its leadership in implementing the progressive technol... Read more

Org chart

Javier M. Casillas' profile picture
Javier M. Casillas
Business Manager/Financial Secretary
Profile photo

Javier M. Casillas

Alex Caraballo's profile picture
Alex Caraballo
Vice President
Joey Rezonable
Office Manager
Chris Maag's profile picture
Chris Maag
Business Representative
Nate Morris' profile picture
Nate Morris
Business Representative
Peter Huber's profile picture
Peter Huber
Membership Development Representative
Jonny Miller
Inside Wireman Apprentice
Mike Sosa
Inside Wireman
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