Iliad / Free


Iliad SA is a France-based holding company active in the integrated telecommunications sector. The Company provides Internet access services, hosting services and others. Iliad SA is also focused on fixed-line telephony services and the provision of wireless fidelity (WiFi) cards, among several othe... Read more


Paris, France




Org chart

Thomas Reynaud

Benedetto Levi
CEO, iliad Italy
Damien Lucas
CEO, Scaleway
Denis Planat
CEO, Free Pro
Ken Campbell
CEO, PLAY & UPC Polska
Jean-Marc Harion
CEO, PLAY & UPC Polska
Aude Durand
Deputy CEO
Camille Perrin
Chief Marketing Officer
Céline Von Der Weid
Chief Communications Officer
Rui Frazao
Chief Network Officer
Xavier Niel
Chief Strategy Officer, Deputy Chairman Board Of Directors
Serge Ferreira
Chief Legal Officer
Angélique Gérard
Client Support Director
Patrick Fouquerière
Director, Supplier Relations
Shahrzad Sharvan
Deputy Corporate Secretary
Shahrzad Sharvan
Deputy Corporate Secretary