The Finance and Investment Team at Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company is responsible for managing and optimizing the company’s investment portfolio to ensure secure and sustainable pension funds. This includes overseeing a diverse range of assets such as real estate, equities, fixed income, and alternative investments, both domestically and internationally. The team also ensures compliance with responsible investment principles and manages investment administration, accounting, and systems to maintain financial integrity and performance.
Annika Ekman
Head of Direct Equity Investme...
Annika Lucander
Head of Investment Accounting
Esko Torsti
Head of Cross Asset Allocation
Heidi Koskinen
Head of Investment Administrat...
Kari Eerola
Head of Fixed Income
Karoliina Lindroos
Head of Responsible Investment
Mari Matilainen
Head of Securities Administrat...
Mikko Antila
Head of International Real Est...
Mikko Koskinen
Head of Investment Systems
Tomi Aimonen
Head of Domestic Real Estate I...
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