Alex Barger

CTO at Industrial Resolution

Initially, Alex started as a freelance contractor. At that time, the LAMP stack was not widely adopted by companies in Lancaster, and he wanted to stay local. This company stood out as a bird of a feather for me. It felt like a very down to earth team with a desire to improve, iterate and have some fun while working.

When he was around eight years old his father purchased a Commodore 64 for the family. We would spend hours typing in computer programs from magazines, and having to troubleshoot that code when it didn't work properly. We got a 300 baud modem and would dial-in to other local BBS, and in-time ran their own. When when the Internet became a "thing", there wasn't much to actually do on-line. The local BBS scene was not only a place for computer geeks to hangout and socialize, we also had interactive games. We even had a meetup at Long's Park, before meetups even had a name. Much like the process of building an application or website; building, running and moderating their own BBS is where he draw his inspiration.


  • CTO

    Current role