INFO - digital_decoded


We are INFO. We’ve been helping organizations grow their business through innovation since 1994. We believe that innovation can only be successful if we zoom in on different levels. So we help you define your innovation vision and roadmap (advisory), design new digital products and services (strateg... Read more

Org chart

Jann de Waal

Ahmed Kandouli
Head of Finance
Hoite Polkamp
Business Development Manager
Thalita Kuijper
Delivery Manager
Dominik Vrbic
Technical Lead
Oebe Rombout
Agile Lead & Scrum Master
Robin Coolen
Scrum Master & Security Officer
Romy van Der Beek
Product Designer
Myrte Van Beemen
People & Culture Manager
Bas Barten
Service Designer
Michiel Schutler
System Designer
Henrik Schwarz
COO Responsible For Operations And Customer Support