The Management and Administration team at Ingérop oversees various critical functions to ensure smooth and effective operations. They handle urban and interurban infrastructure projects, manage technical operations, oversee legal affairs, direct human resources efforts, manage BIM (Building Information Modeling) and CIM (Civil Information Modeling), ensure cybersecurity, conduct environmental impact assessments, and manage general services. This team plays a pivotal role in integrating technical expertise with administrative governance to support Ingérop's diverse engineering and construction endeavors.
Didier Mas
Cybersecurity Manager
Jörg Fischer
Environmental Impact Assessmen...
Marine Béclin
Directrice Ressources Humaines...
Nils Kalfa
Ingénieur VRD & Bim/cim Manage...
Radu Ticleanu
Legal Affairs Manager
Raul Gonzalez Calle
Technical Manager Ingerop Queb...
Stève Jourdain
Services Généraux
Stéphane Merzeau
BIM Manager
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