Institute for Policy Studies


IPS is a community of public scholars and organizers linking peace, justice, and the environment in the U.S. and globally. We work with social movements to promote true democracy and challenge concentrated wealth, corporate influence, and military power.






Org chart

Tope Folarin
Executive Director

Tope Folarin

Basav Sen
Project Director
Burke Stansbury
Development Director
Chuck Collins
Program Director
John Feffer
Project Director And Associate Fellow
Karen Dolan
Project Director
La Shawn Walker
Director Of Operations & Finance Manager
Lindsay Koshgarian
Program Director
Manuel Perez - Rocha
Project Director And Associate Fellow
Marc Bayard
Project Director And Associate Fellow
Olivia Alperstein
Deputy Communications Director
Peter Certo
Communications Director
Phyllis Bennis
Program Director
Robert Alvarez
Project Director And Associate Fellow
Sanho Tree
Project Director
Sarah Anderson
Program Director
Vanden Heuvel
Editorial Director And Publisher
Ashley Sheffield
Executive Assistant
Bob Lord
Associate Fellow
Jodie Evans
Sam Pizzigati
Associate Fellow
Henry Wallace
Fellowship Program Director
Tim Kumfer
Henry Wallace Fellowship Program Director