Roos Schoenmakers

President at International Student Congress of Medical Sciences

Roos Schoenmakers is a dedicated professional with experience in various healthcare and medical organizations. Currently serving as a Triagist at Huisartsenpost Nederland, Roos also holds the title of President at the International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences. Additionally, Roos is active in fundraising and organizing committees for ISCOMS 2023. With a background in Geneeskunde from the University of Groningen, Roos has also been involved in research and medical student assistant roles at UMCG and Martini Ziekenhuis. Prior to this, Roos gained experience as a Thuiszorg hulpverlener at QuaRijn.



  • President

    July, 2023 - present

  • Sponsors&fundraising Organising Committee

    July, 2022