Sharia Huda

Advisor at Jara

Based in New York City, Sharia Huda is a leader in the EdTech space and a life-long learner. She has dedicated her time in coaching startup founders, corporate professionals and venture capital about the education ecosystem, digital trends, strategic partnerships and global impact design. Sharia completed her B.A. in Speech and Hearing Sciences from SUNY University at Buffalo, concentrating on accessibility research.

Prior to the corporate world, she began her career as a EdTech specialist at a school for students with learning disabilities. Sharia researched customized applications based on curriculum needs and designed the EdTech roll-out, including speech to text applications. Some of the companies she has supported are BrainPOP, Clever, Google for Education, OVR Technology, Integrate Tech, inc and Prisms VR. Current projects include co-hosting the largest EdTech community of over 9k members, startup pitch judge and bridging mesh network for students in Haiti. Sharia is passionate about bridging access to resources in underserved communities through partnerships. "Authentic conversations, fine chocolate, family time and spontaneous adventures is what keeps me balanced" - Sharia Huda