Dipesh Chauhan

Director, Program Development at JusticeWorks Family of Services

Dipesh has a depth of experience as a clinician, planner, manager, trainer and educator. He has worked in specialized services for adolescents and adults including criminal justice, drug and alcohol treatment and mental health. He has expertise in residential and home-based services and has taught at a local college. As our first Director for Berks County, Dipesh led our CYS and JPO programs to dramatic growth and stellar outcomes. Now, as Director of Program Development, Dipesh works with all counties to make sure our programs are ‘best in class’ and we are evolving to meet the needs of our county partners as well as the youth and families in our care. He works to identify and introduce new approaches and technologies which enhance our services. Dipesh also presents our capabilities to new areas and helps JusticeWorks extend its reach to other locations.

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