David L. Viglione

Director at Kingfisher Systems

David L. Viglione joined Kingfisher Systems, Inc. in 2005 and retired in 2016. He currently supports Kingfisher as an Independent Contractor and Consultant advising and training Kingfisher Customers on Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM). He has served as a Senior System Engineer and Operations Officer responsible for Counterintelligence and Technical Security Support to Intelligence Community Customers. Prior to joining Kingfisher, Mr. Viglione was the TSCM Program Manager at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a senior instructor for the TSCM Training Program, and a member of the Intelligence Community’s TSCM working group. Mr. Viglione served 20 with the U.S. Army serving as a Counterintelligence Special Agent, Certified and Master Certified TSCM Special Agent, and Chief of the U.S. Army’s TSCM Training Program.

Mr. Viglione earned a Bachelor of Science in Management Technology from The University of Maryland and attended Continuing Engineering Courses at George Washington University with a focus on modern communication systems and encryption technology.