Data and Systems Working Group

Meet the team

Fun facts

I still enjoy working with especially 4-6 year olds since I have one in that category!



Benjamin Banneker is one of my birthday twins! (Which makes sense considering my affinity for planning & organizing)

How do you like to receive feedback?

Very well as long as it's constructive. Don't mind firmness.

How do you like to run meetings?



Efficiently & Timely. YET, more focused on discussions & problem solving/workshopping, rather than general reporting out. Which requires report items be sent and reviewed ahead of time so that all meeting participants can engage with fidelity.

How we work

Our purpose

Description: This team manages systems, collects information, and analyzes school data to inform decision-making and track progress toward goals.

What makes us unique?

Efficiency Support: By identifying trends, evaluating the effectiveness of interventions, and streamlining data collection and reporting processes, this team helps the school allocate resources more efficiently and target areas that need improvement.