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Klepierre SA is a France-based company engaged in the financial industry. The Company is a pan-European shopping center operator, combining development, rental, property and asset management skills. The Company's portfolio comprises approximately 160 shopping centers in over 15 countries of continen... Read more


Paris, France




Org chart

Jean-Marc Jestin's profile picture
Jean-Marc Jestin
Chairman of the Executive Board
Profile photo

Jean-Marc Jestin

Cyrille Deslandes' profile picture
Cyrille Deslandes
Chief Investment Officer
Cécile Presta's profile picture
Cécile Presta
Chief Human Resources Officer
Daniela Lauret's profile picture
Daniela Lauret
Chief Development Officer
Clémentine Pacitti's profile picture
Clémentine Pacitti
Chief Sustainability Officer
Barthelemy Doat's profile picture
Barthelemy Doat
Managing Director for France-Belgium
Julien Goubault's profile picture
Julien Goubault
General Secretary
Marie Caniac
Group Chief Operating Officer
Laetitia Ferracci
General Manager, Iberia
Kamil Michael
Country Manager Poland & Czech Republic
Louis Bonelli
Region Manager, Scandinavia
Luis Pires
Region Manager, Iberia
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