Leadership Team


The leadership team at Konecta Corporativa has a wealth of experience in a variety of industries. The team members have worked as Consejero Delegado at Grupo Konecta, Director Control Interno at Santander Consumer Finance, Consultor at IV-MFR, and Director General Organización y Procedimientos at Grupo Konecta. They have also held positions such as Director Técnico de Medios de Pago at Hispamer, Responsable de Desarrollo at Hispamer, Directora Financiera at Marketecnia, and Directora Financiera at Netjuice. Additionally, the team has experience in auditing, with Resp Auditoría Interna at DHL and Auditora Asociada at CTA Auditores (Actualmente AUREN) on the team. The team members hold degrees from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and The Wharton School.

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